The course will investigate the question of free will, by considering both its historical background and the contemporary debates (at the intersection of moral philosophy, philosophy of law and philosophy of mind) it has generated.
(reference books)
FOR THE STUDENTS WHO WILL ATTEND THE COURSE AND PASS THE PRE-EXAM THAT WILL BE HELD AT THE END OF IT: 1. Photocopies specified by the instructor during the course 2. De Caro e Marraffa, Mente e morale, LUISS University Press 3. De Caro, Libero arbitrio, Laterza
FOR ALL OTHER STUDENTS: 1. De Caro, Libero arbitrio, Laterza 2. De Caro e Marraffa, Mente e morale, LUISS University Press 3. Mele, Liberi!, Carocci 4. www.ccdc.it/UpLoadDocumenti/070302Mori.pdf 5. profs.sci.univr.it/~bellin/philsci/Etica1.pdf