The origin of Geometry, Euclid and the axioms. Hilbert's observations. The first book of Euclid: Triangles and Pitaghoras Theorem. The geometric algebra and the second book of Elements. The sixth book of Elements and Thales. Polygons. Convex subsets and polygons, regular polygons. Equivalence in geometry: isoperimetry and equi-extension problems. Solid shapes in space. Analytic geometry: the cartesian plane, the equation of a straight line, the distance of two points and the equation of a circumference. Groups of plane transformations.
(reference books)
Giorgio Israel, Ana Millán Gasca Pensare in matematica, 2012, ed Zanichelli. Ana Millán Gasca Numeri e Forme , 2016, ed Zanichelli. The student is free of using these or any other book or web source she/he prefers, paying attention to their reliability.