Lessons will focus on short essays and documents on the teaching of English as a L2 in pre-primary (Italian, European, and extra European) school contexts (texts will be available on the electronic board). These materials are meant to be both theoretical and linguistic tools; the issues at stake will help enhance a linguistic competence in the specific field of study and can be read as a CLIL project. Texts will be pretexts to deal with the English language, its grammar, its structures and its idiomatic expressions. Together with these texts there will be a selection of TED talks dealing with the teaching of English. The book English for Educators is used to enhance students’ familiarity with a specific vocabulary for social studies and education.
(reference books)
** Testi di approfondimento culturale: - Testi disponibili nella bacheca elettronica del docente (S. Garton, F. Copland, A. Burns "Investigating global practices in teaching English to young learners" / P. Edelenbos, R. Johnstone, A. Kubanek "The main pedagogical principles underlying the teaching of languages to very young learners" / S. Ara "Use of Songs, Rhymes and Games in Teaching English to Young Learners in Bangladesh"). - Roberta Facchinetti, Anna Belladelli, English for Educators, CEDAM, Milano, 2011 (solo i testi relativi ai seguenti autori: Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey, Paulo Freire, Maria Montessori, Dalai Lama). - TED talks: una selezione di interventi sull'uso della lingua e sul ruolo dell'educazione presenti su TED ideas worth sharing (di Kenneth Rosinson; John McWhorter; Ryan Patricia; Lera Boroditsky). ** Testi di base: Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, CUP, Cambridge (3rd ed.) 2007. ** Testi di consultazione: - Dizionari bilingue consigliati: Hazon Garzanti , Nuova Edizione, oppure F.Picchi, Grande dizionario Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese, Hoepli - Dizionari monolingue consigliati: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners oppure Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, oppure Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary. N.B.: Prima del termine del corso, verranno inseriti nella bacheca elettronica del docente, i dettagli del programma svolto (eventuale scelta di brani, altro materiale didattico, ecc.) su cui saranno basate le prove d’esame.