21210068 Market research in Environment and Development Economics LM-56 ADDIS MICHELA, MORELLI MARIO
Section 1: The research process - Marketing process - Market research - Knowledge management - Marketing information system - Design market research process
Section 2: Qualitative research - Qualitative traditional techniques - Focus group - In-depth interview - Mystery shopping - Qualitative data analysis
Section 3: Quantitative research - Designing a questionnaire - Multiple-items scales - Reliability and validity analyses - Survey - Market segmentation analysis: factor & cluster analyses - Market positioning analysis: discriminant analysis & correspondence analysis
Section 4: Final report presentation - Improving communication skills - Market research innovative approaches - Preliminary field project presentation and subsequent tuning - Definitive field project presentation
(reference books)
Malhotra N.K. 2015. Essentials of Marketing Research. An Applied Orientation, 1st Ed., Pearson.
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