Course title: Poetry, Mimesis, Human Expression Description: The course will investigate the mystery of poetic creation and evaluate the extent to which a poetic education can be the way to refound the pedagogical action. To this end, Orazio Costa's Mimic Method for the training of actors will be studied in depth, both from a theoretical point of view and through practical exercises that will take place in class. A part of the programme is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational contexts for children.
(reference books)
R. M. Rilke, Lettere a un giovane poeta, qualunque edizione. G. Scaramuzzo, Educazione poetica, Anicia, Roma 2013. L. Piazza, L'acrobata dello spirito. I quaderni inediti di Orazio Costa, Titivillus, Corazzano (Pi) 2018. Docufilm “L’uomo e l’attore” edited by Maricla Boggio – in view on the page: http://www.mariclaboggio.it/pagine/video/corpocreativobari_video.html