Learning purpose of the course: - reconstructing and interpreting the development of educational events from the process of unification of the Italian state up to today, using the tools of education history;
- to trace the history of comparative pedagogy by defining the epistemological and methodological systems;
- to Identify the essential theoretical and empirical tools for pedagogical-comparative analysis;
- to develop the skills of observation and analysis carrying out comparative and intercultural research activities;
- to understand the scenario and the educational processes that are governing our historical moment in order to plan educational inter-cultural actions.
(reference books)
Text books for the exam:
- Campani G., I saperi dell’interculturalità. Storia, epistemologi e pratiche educative tra Stati Uniti, Canada ed Europa, Liguori, Napoli: 2002. - Chiaranda M. (a cura di), Storia comparata dell’educazione. Problemi ed esperienze tra Otto e Novecento, Franco Angeli, Milano: 2010. - Covato C., Memorie discordanti. Identità e differenze nella storia dell’educazione, Unicopli, Milano: 2007. - Di Giacinto M., Lontano da dove. Generazioni e modelli educativi nelle famiglie italiane
For foreign students: books in French, English or Spanish will be indicated for foreign students who request it.
This program can be supported by the June 2019 exam session.