Programme of the Basic Module The course provides tools for a pedagogical analysis of the work dimension from a socio-economic and educational point of view. Particular attention will be given to educational issues (employability, placement, apprenticeship, work-based learning, industry4.0) and to the relationship between learning and knowledge, laying emphasis on the construct of communities of practice in professional contexts and the new labor dimensions. The course is divided into three modules of 10 hours each for a total of 30 hours and includes lectures alternating with moments of educational planning and case studies.
Area 1 * Education and Social Work: epistemic contexts and methods of analysis * Work in its social and organizational development with particular emphasis on the pedagogical dimension also from a historical point of view * The issue of skills as a tool to describe the job training from a formative point of view * The theme of alternating school/work at the work-based learning * Laboratory: alternating school/work at the work-based learning
Area 2 * The Capabilities Approach Fundamentals of M.C. Nussbaum: capabilities and educational welfare * Training Design Laboratory: “The Capability Approach to Adult Education”
Area 3 * Representative diagrams of pedagogy of work * The paradigm of “cultivating” communities of practice in some lifelong learning experiences
* Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to educational settings for children.
(reference books)
Reference books - Alessandrini G. (2016), Nuovo Manuale per l’esperto dei processi formativi, Carocci, Roma - Alessandrini G. (2017), Atlante di Pedagogia del Lavoro (prima e seconda parte) - Alessandrini G. (2007), Comunità di pratica e società della conoscenza, Carocci, Roma - Marcone M.V. (2018), Work-Based learning. Il valore generativo del lavoro, FrancoAngeli, Milano
Books of your choice (One book): - Alessandrini G. (2016), Smart Working. Nuove skill e competenze, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce - Alessandrini G. (2013), La formazione al centro dello sviluppo umano. Crescita, lavoro, formazione, Giuffrè, Milano (prima parte) - Alessandrini G. (2014), La “pedagogia” di Martha Nussbaum. Approccio alle capacità e sfide educative, Franco Angeli, Milano (prima parte) - Alessandrini G. (2004), Pedagogia delle risorse umane e delle organizzazioni, Guerini, Milano (prima parte) - Alessandrini G. & De Natale M.L. (2015), Il dibattito sulle competenze: quale prospettiva pedagogica?, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce (Introduzione, CAP. IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII, XV, XVI) - Alessandrini G., Pignalberi C. (2012), Le sfide dell’educazione oggi. Nuovi habitat digitali, reti e comunità, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce - Costa M. (2016), Capacitare l’innovazione. La formatività dell’agire lavorativo, FrancoAngeli, Milano
Laboratory Training and Organizational Development Refer to the online bulletin board of the teacher (Prof. Domenico Lipari)