The course reflects on the methodologies and strategies to be employed in the teaching of film and media. We will tackle the importance of an education to images through the development of 4 thematic-theoretical units: 1) the first unit will deal with film and media education as support to the learning process of other subjects: history, geography, literature, language. 2) media education will then be considered in its autonomy; the pedagogical advantages in audiovisual literacy will be discussed in connection with the dynamics of production of meaning, as ways of shaping the imagination, and as a dimension of creativity. The theoretical background for such discourses will come from the tradition of both psychoanalysis and film and media studies themselves. In particular, we will reflect on teaching in relation to the concept of cinephilia, understood here as a mode of spectatorship amenable to historical and theoretical reflection. 3) An essential part of the course will consequently consist of a metacritical reflection on the cinematographic canon, and on the implicit theoretical stands detectable in current manuals on film history and language. 4) Last but not least, we will analyze four films that reflect on the teacher-pupil relationship, spanning from the 1950s to today, and that can be used to examine teaching dynamics and techniques, their evolution through time, their potentialities and the way they were narrativized.
(reference books)
Gianni Rondolino, Dario Tomasi, "Manuale del film. Linguaggio, racconto, analisi"; Dispensa a cura del docente. Filmografia obbligatoria.