Freedom: Free Will and Autonomy
The course deals with the question of freedom through two of its fundamental determinations: the free will and the autonomy of the subject. Both modules take inspiration from Immanuel Kant and, starting from his thought, separately consider an analytical and a continental philosophical approach to the question of freedom.
(reference books)
Modul A (Prof. Mario De Caro):
FOR ATTENDING STUDENTS WHO WILL PASS THE PRE-ROUND THAT WILL BE AT THE END OF THE COURSE: 1. Fotocopie di testi indicati dal docente all’inizio del corso 2. De Caro e Marraffa, Mente e morale, LUISS University Press 3. De Caro, Libero arbitrio, Laterza
FOR ALL THE OTHER STUDENTS: 1. De Caro, Libero arbitrio, Laterza 2. De Caro e Marraffa, Mente e morale, LUISS University Press 3. Mele, Liberi!, Carocci 4. www.ccdc.it/UpLoadDocumenti/070302Mori.pdf 5. profs.sci.univr.it/~bellin/philsci/Etica1.pdf
Modul B (Prof. Dario Gentili)
- Immanuel Kant, Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment? (any edition). - M. Foucault, What is Critique?, in The Politics of Truth, ed. by S. Lotringer and L. Hochroth, Semiotext(e), New York 1997. - M. Foucault, The Government of Self and Others: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1982-1983, Picador, 2011 (the first Lecture).