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20710295 PROCESSES AND INSTRUMENTS IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING in Modern languages for International Communication LM-38 NUZZO ELENA
General part: offers an overview of some key issues in second language learning research, with particular reference to the way in which teaching can facilitate and speed up the natural process of language acquisition. Focus: provides students with knowledge and skills needed to analyse teaching materials. Characteristics of Task-based language teaching are illustrated in detail.
(reference books)
- Lightbown P., Spada N., How languages are learned, Oxford University Press, 2006. - Cortés Velásquez D., Faone S., Nuzzo E., Analizzare i manuali per l’insegnamento delle lingue: strumenti per una glottodidattica applicata, Analizzare i manuali per l’insegnamento delle lingue: strumenti per una glottodidattica applicata, in Italiano LinguaDue 2.2017, pp. 1-74. - Nuzzo E., Cortés Velásquez D. (eds), Il task nell’insegnamento delle lingue. Percorsi tra ricerca e didattica al CLA di Roma Tre, RomaTrE-Press, in press (a selection of chapters specified by the teacher).