Derived from
Course program 1 Atomic theory and structure of the atom. Atoms, molecules, moles; atomic weight and molecular weight. Rutherford atom, Bohr atom, quantum theory, quantum numbers and energy levels; polyelectronic atoms, periodic system. 2 Chemical bonding. Ionic bond. Covalent bond: σ bond and π bond. Polyatomic molecules. Molecular structure. Hybridization and resonance. Metallic bond. Intermolecular forces. 3 Nomenclature and Chemical Reactions. Oxides, hydroxides, acids, salts, ions. Balancing chemical reactions. 4 states of aggregation. Gaseous state and gas laws. Solid state: ionic, molecular, metallic, covalent solids. Liquids and amorphous. State changes and state diagrams. 5 Solutions. Concentration of solutions. Colligative properties. Electrolyte solutions. 6 Thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium. Matter, energy, heat. First and second principles. Enthalpy, entropy, free energy. Equilibrium constant. Balances in the gas and heterogeneous phase. Van't Hoff equation. 7 Balances in solution. Acid base balances: Acids and bases, pH, dissociation constants, polyprotic acids, hydrolysis, buffers. Precipitation equilibria: solubility and solubility product, effect of the ion in common. 8 Electrochemistry. Batteries, electrodes, Nernst equation. 9 Chemical kinetics. Speed of chemical reactions. Velocity constant. 10 Elements of Organic Chemistry. Functional groups, nomenclature, molecular structure and isomerism.
(reference books)
M. Schiavello,L. Palmisano; “Elementi di Chimica”, EdiSes