Periodization. "Neoclassicism": is it possible to define the style of a century? The course proposes a renewed reading of the sources and critical debate of the Enlightenment century, intending to outline the history of artistic production starting from the lexicon used by contemporaries. The starting point is the exhibition organized in 1972 by scholars such as R. Rosemblum, H. Honor, D. Irwin, A. Blunt, J. Wilton-Ely, at the Art Council of Great Britain in London (The Age of Neoclassicism 1972), which marked a sort of watershed in art studies dedicated to the second half of the eighteenth century. The course includes visits to works and monuments in Rome.
(reference books)
Liliana Barroero, Le Arti e i Lumi. Pittura e scultura da Piranesi a Canova, Einaudi, Torino 2011