20402210 CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS in Physics LM-17 N0 GALLO PAOLA, Iorio Antonio
Overview on condensed matter. Geometric description of crystals: direct and reciprocal lattices and Brillouin zone. Scattering of particles by crystals: x-rays, electrons and neutrons. Quasicrystals. Classification of crystalline solids and bonds. Adiabatic approximation (Born-Openheimer). Lattice vibrational dynamics, phonons. Specific heats of Einstein, Debye and electronic. Electrons in periodic potentials: the Bloch theorem. Theory of the free electron in metals. The many electrons Hamiltonian and one electron approximations: Hartree and Hartree Fock equation. Band theory in crystals: Tight Binding method and the nearly free electron approximation. Electronic properties of relevant crystals. Transport in metals. Intrinsic and doped semiconductors and transport. p-n junction. Superconductivity.
(reference books)
MAIN TEXT BOOK: Giuseppe Grosso and Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini Solid State Physics Academic Press OTHER TEXT BOOKS: Neil W. Ashcroft N. David Mermin Solid State Physics Saunders College Charles Kittel Introduzione alla Fisica Dello Stato Solido Casa Editrice Ambrosiana