The first part of the course will give an integrated view of gastro-intestinal anatomy, physiology and regulation as well as how the gut extracts and utilizes the nutrients in the diet. In addition to these classical aspects more contemporary topics are included such as the importance of the gut microflora and its interaction with the gut immune system, appetite regulation and the problems with overeating and obesity. The course will focus on the homeostatic maintenance of energetic balance, on the composition of human body, and on the evaluation of nutritional needs in physiological States (e.g., development, pregnancy, ageing). A particular attention will be addressed to the relationship between nutrition and maintenance of human health. Finally, you learn about the pathophysiological aspects of gut function (malnutrition, overnutrition, food intolerance) and the dietetic approaches to balance the deficiencies in homeostasis. An application of these concepts will be supplied by study the nutritional needs during physical exercise. As part of the training there is a literature task that is performed as a group work. The groups should extract up-to-date information about an interesting nutrition theme and then present the results in the form of a brief oral presentation.
(reference books)
Angela Andreoli e Isabella Egidi Argomenti di fisiologia e nutrizione umana II edizione (28 febbraio 2011) Società Editrice Esculapio.