1. Public administration: defining aspects and basic elements. 2. Administrative law and its relationships with other disciplines. 3. Main features, evolution and transformations of the Italian administrative system 4. The sources of administrative law 5. Administration in the Constitution. 6. Theory of administrative organization (subjective figures, organizational acts, relationships and connections). 7. The current Italian administrative system. 8. Relationships between politics and administration. 9. Management of public personnel. 10. Administrative checks. 11. Public goods. 12. Public functions and public services, subjective legal situations, administrative discretion. 13. The principles on administrative action. 14. Administrative procedure: structural and functional profiles. 15. Administrative act: elements, types, effectiveness and enforceability, invalidity. 16. Consensual administrative action: public contracts and agreements. 17. Responsibility of public administration and public servants. 18. Administrative remedies and jurisdictional guarantees against the public administration.
(reference books)
The exam can be prepared using one of the following handbooks: VV. CERULLI IRELLI, Lineamenti di diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, Torino, last edition M. CLARICH, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Bologna, Il Mulino, last edition