The course is intented for students who have already had an exam in the field of paleography (M-STO/09) and aims to present the features of Greeks and Latin manuscripts, especially those of some relevance for the philological, historical and cultural studies. We will take into consideration external characteristics of manuscripts (such as techniques, means and tools used for arranging a book and the professional figures involved in the process of production) and the cultural background (that is places and times of origin) of manuscript books. The course includes an examination of reproducted manuscripts (on paper and on electronic supports) and the examination of manuscripts and other materials in archives and libraries.
(reference books)
The final exam will include the knowledge of the material provided during lessons and the discussion of one subject which the student will decide to study in depth. In addition students are required to study the following texts: • M. Maniaci, Archeologia del manoscritto. Metodi, problemi, bibliografia recente, Roma, Viella, 2003; • M. L. Agati, Il libro manoscritto da Oriente a Occidente. Per una codicologia comparata, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2009 (a selection of chapters); • M. Cursi, Le forme del libro. Dalla tavoletta cerata all’e-book, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016, cap. III (pp. 97-160); • Two articles among those presented during the course.