Italian Literature and Teaching Methods of Italian Literature The Italian literature from 800 to date in relation to European and world literature. The course will be structured in three parts. The first module, a historical character, will provide basic knowledge about Italian literature, from 800 to date. Starting with a thorough analysis of the major literary currents and profiles of the great Italian literature you will analyze the influences of European literature and, for the most significant influences of world literature, patterns examined.In the second module, the most significant works of the 1800's and of the first half of the 1900's will be examined through an in-depth analysis of the influence that certain literary movements and authors, both Italian and foreign, had on the entire European territory. The same form of scrutiny will be used to identify emerging contemporary authors of an era characterized by a concerning lack of affirmation of distinct literary movements and texts destined to become future literary classics. In the third form, after the acquisition of the aforementioned knowledge, students will be given the opportunity to develop methodological teaching elements aimed at building educational paths for individual reading, group reading and reading out loud alongside future pupils of both pre- school and primary level, with the goal of guiding them towards a direct knowledge of the authors that, in the following scholastic levels, will be the focus of the teachings of Italian literature, with the ultimate goal of implementing a real educational continuity.
(reference books)
Testi d'esame 1) Giulio Ferroni, Prima lezione di letteratura italiana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009 2) Gianna Marrone (a cura), Narrativa per grandi e piccini. Viaggio nella letteratura, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma 2017 3) Gianna Marrone, Libri che parlano di libri. Letterature, scritture, letture, libri, Il Pepeverde, Roma 2015 (e-book) 4) un testo a scelta tra i seguenti: Franco Fortini, I poeti del Novecento, a cura di Donatello Santarone, Donzelli, Roma 2017 Italo Calvino, Perché leggere i classici, Palomar-Mondadori, Milano Rosamaria Loretelli, L'invenzione del romanzo. Dall'oralità alla lettura silenziosa, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 Silvio Perella, Calvino, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 Gino Roncaglia, La quarta rivoluzione, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 Giovanni Ragone, Classici dietro le quinte, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 5) Letture di 4 testi classici e di 4 testi contemporanei* * I quattro testi classici e i quattro testi contemporanei debbono essere scelti tra quelli indicati nel programma particolareggiato del calendario delle lezioni. Ogni testo scelto deve essere analizzato per descriverne l'uso nella scuola dell'infanzia e nella scuola primaria, ipotizzando per ciascuno la costruzione di un percorso didattico.