The Literature course for children intends to address the future teachers of kindergarten and primary schools to provide them with hermeneutical, didactic, historiographical, linguistic and iconographic tools useful for dealing with, with due pedagogical awareness, the reading of literary texts intended for public of children and adolescents. The lessons in attendance will be devoted mainly to the identification of strategies and methods for educating children to read and to stimulate the necessary motivational processes in them. Reading aloud, the animated reading, the construction of the reading environment, the physical relationship with the object-book, the reading of the images, the places where to carry out the promotion of reading (school, library, playroom, house etc. ), the creative relationship between storytelling, reading and writing: these are just some of the great themes that go through and determine the complex relationship between the child and the literary text and which must be tackled with pedagogical care and professionalism to counter the serious problem of the removal of young people from reading practices and from the use of literary texts. Alongside these theoretical aspects the lessons of prof. Cantatore will be characterized by: 1. appropriate historical focus to identify the most important steps of the progressive formation of a literary tradition specifically dedicated to younger people;
2. practical demonstrations of how to read a book to / with children (in this case students are actively involved). During the course, cinematographic transpositions of literary texts for children will be projected and writers, illustrators, critics, publishers, booksellers, educators, teachers specialized in children's literature will be invited to lecture. The course also includes virtual meetings between the lecturer and the students via e-mail (exchange of educational materials, urgent notices, information on events related to children's literature in which it is possible to participate as exhibitions, shows, exhibitions, etc. .). Through the online environment, each student must perform an exercise assigned by the teacher. It is essential that all students register for the Roma Tre formonline platform.
The Literature course for children intends to address the future teachers of kindergarten and primary schools to provide them with hermeneutical, didactic, historiographical, linguistic and iconographic tools useful for dealing with, with due pedagogical awareness, the reading of literary texts intended for public of children and adolescents. The lessons in attendance will be devoted mainly to the identification of strategies and methods for educating children to read and to stimulate the necessary motivational processes in them. Reading aloud, the animated reading, the construction of the reading environment, the physical relationship with the object-book, the reading of the images, the places where to carry out the promotion of reading (school, library, playroom, house etc. ), the creative relationship between storytelling, reading and writing: these are just some of the great themes that go through and determine the complex relationship between the child and the literary text and which must be tackled with pedagogical care and professionalism to counter the serious problem of the removal of young people from reading practices and from the use of literary texts. Alongside these theoretical aspects the lessons of prof. Cantatore will be characterized by: 1. appropriate historical focus to identify the most important steps of the progressive formation of a literary tradition specifically dedicated to younger people;
2. practical demonstrations of how to read a book to / with children (in this case students are actively involved). During the course, cinematographic transpositions of literary texts for children will be projected and writers, illustrators, critics, publishers, booksellers, educators, teachers specialized in children's literature will be invited to lecture. The course also includes virtual meetings between the lecturer and the students via e-mail (exchange of educational materials, urgent notices, information on events related to children's literature in which it is possible to participate as exhibitions, shows, exhibitions, etc. .). Through the online environment, each student must perform an exercise assigned by the teacher. It is essential that all students register for the Roma Tre formonline platform.
(reference books)
Storia e critica della letteratura per l’infanzia: • Lorenzo Cantatore (a cura di), Primo: leggere, Edizioni Conoscenza • Marnie Campagnaro (a cura di), Le terre della fantasia: leggere la letteratura per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, Donzelli
Albi illustrati: • Leo Lionni, Piccolo blu e piccolo giallo¸ Babalibri • Maurice Sendak, Nel paese dei mostri selvaggi, Adelphi • Antonella Abbatiello, Bruno Tognolini, Alfabeto delle fiabe, Topipittori
Due romanzi a scelta fra i seguenti: • David Almond, Mina, Salani, Firenze • Anne Laure Bondoux, La vita come viene, San Paolo • Aidan Chambers, Muoio dalla voglia di conoscerti, Rizzoli • Roald Dahl, Il GGG, Salani • Neil Gaiman, Il figlio del cimitero, Mondadori • Mark Haddon, Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte, Einaudi • R.J. Palacio, Wonder, Giunti • Philip Pullman, La bussola d’oro, Salani • Brian Selznick, La straordinaria invenzione di Hugo Cabret, Mondadori • Jarry Spinelli, Stargirl, Mondadori
Due romanzi a scelta fra i seguenti: • Ermanno Detti, L’assalto al cielo, Gallucci • Antonio Ferrara, Batti il muro, Rizzoli • Luigi Garlando, ’O mae’. Storia di judo e di camorra, Piemme • Luisa Mattia, Merlino. La magia di Stonehenge, Giunti • Angela Nanetti, Mio nonno era un ciliegio, Einaudi Ragazzi • Bianca Pitzorno, L’incredibile storia di Lavinia, Einaudi Ragazzi • Roberto Piumini, Mattia e il nonno, Einaudi Ragazzi • Guido Sgardoli, L’odissea di Argo, Einaudi • Bruno Tognolini, Il giardino dei musi eterni, Salani • Paola Zannoner, L’ultimo faro, De Agostini