Didatics as learning and teaching laboratory. The program concerns the didatics focused on learning (with Bruno Ciari as a protagonist of an important and generous past in Italy). It examines the relationship between the indispensable cultural open-mindedness and the closing of the educational planning; methods and tecniques; handwriting and electronic writing; printed book and digital culture. It provides basics to understand, on one side, how and how much children are changed; on the other side, how and how much the progressive education, actually democratic, is an utopia still to realise. What Creativity is and how it can be "built" is a continuous thread through the activities and the topics of the course
(reference books)
BRUNO CIARI, Le nuove tecniche didattiche, edizioni dell'Asino, 2012
JOHN DEWEY, Esperienza e educazione, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2014
ORNELLA MARTINI, Dare corpo, Tombolini Editore, Loreto, 2016
Indicazioni Nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell'infanzia e il primo ciclo di istruzione