21002005 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The laboratory of Urbanism A aims to provide theoretical background for deep territorial analysis and territorial planning. The course focuses on the nexus between cities and labour, more in detail between the contemporary city of Rome and its local labour system and markets areas. The dimension of labour (in all its forms: exchange, production, advanced tertiary activities, cultural and knowledge production and consumption) will be used to scrutinize how the local labour system of Rome works and its intersection with working temporalities, mobility systems, housing and urban services.
After a brief introduction about space and society, core planning theories and tools, the course will present four different phases and urban assemblages in which the nexus between cities and labour developed with significant spatial manifestations: the industrial city, the city of mass production; the post-industrial adaptation; the neoliberal cities under economic globalization and their challenges.
The objective of the Lab is that the students will be able to analyse a complex territory, its main challenges and potentials and to propose convincing strategies of action that meet contemporary urban challenges and at the same time boost sustainable development.
(reference books)
Bibliografia generale Secchi B. (2015), Il futuro si costruisce giorno per giorno. Riflessioni su spazio, società e progetto, a cura di Giulia Fini, Donzelli, Roma. (estratti) Secchi B. (2011), La città dei ricchi la città dei poveri, Laterza, Bari Gaeta, Mazza, Rivolin (2012) Governo del territorio e Pianificazione Spaziale, Città Studi, MIlano (estratti) Salzano, E (1998-2003) Fondamenti di urbanistica, Laterza, Bari (estratti) Sennet R. (2018) Costruire e Abitare, Feltrinelli, Milano.
Approfondimenti su città, produzione e sistemi del lavoro Jacobs J. (1969) Vita e morte delle grandi città, Comunità, Torino Camagni, R. (1992) Economia urbana, principi e modelli teorici (Ch 1.) Benini e De Nardis (2013) Capitale senza capitale, Donzelli. (estrattI) Calafati A. (2014) “Urbanistica senza economia”, in Urbanistica per una diversa crescita. Progettare il territorio contemporaneo, a cura di Russo M. Donzelli, Roma, (pp. 113-120) Calafati, A. (2018) Economie in cerca di città, Donzelli (estratti)
Approcci progettuali Gabellini, P. (2005) Tecniche urbanistiche Gabellini, P. (2010), Fare Urbanistica, Carocci, Roma. Bianchetti et all (2015) Territories in Crisis: Architecture and Urbanism Facing Changes in Europe Lydon, Garcia, Duany (2015) Tactical urbanism, Tactical Urbanism: Short-term Action for Long-term Change Temporiuso breve manuale
Capacità locali. Per una nuova economia dei territori produttivi, Camagni, R. (1992) Economia urbana, principi e modelli teorici (Ch 1.) Benini e De Nardis (2013) Capitale senza capitale, Donzelli. (estrattI) Calafati A. (2014) “Urbanistica senza economia”, in Urbanistica per una diversa crescita. Progettare il territorio contemporaneo, a cura di Russo M. Donzelli, Roma, (pp. 113-120) Calafati, A. (2018) Economie in cerca di città, Donzelli (estratti)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The Studio deepens and experiments some methodological theses on the construction of the urban project with particular attention to the formative reasoning of the design qualities and to the contents, holding counted of its economic-operational feasibility and of the attended spatial results.
The objective is to teach to produce a deduced interpretative reasoning and a scheme of territorial organization that allows, using the tools of plan, to direct the transformations, to choose and to put in coherence the different proposals, in reference to the character-value of the places and local demand.
In the preparation of the plan, particular attention is turned to territorial demand, to the evaluation of the objectives and the strategies of the change, to the configuration of the programmatic organizational model and the actions of plan. Integrative lessons in the studio are: A) the formative reasoning of the plan ( problems, values and local demand) B) urban structure reading and evaluation methods, the plan construction and his technical and normative expression C) typologies of intervention reference to: the form-structure, the graphics and normative expression …
Method: The formulation of the problem, beginning from the survey of the local demand, to find the general objectives to assume for the plan: interpretation of the context and the place reading using the structural paradigm of the characters and the component systems (systems of environmental and historical values, green discontinuity and residual rural landscapes; urban typologies; uses;infrastructure); synthesis of the existing structure and selection of the trasformation dynamics; Plan operations of construction / transformation of the structure; formal and spatial results of the proposed solutions; evaluation of the compatibility and the effectiveness of the plan in comparison to the objectives and feasibility of some proposed operations.
Organization of the studio and examination The work is developed in group. The studio is offering specific contributions and readings. The final examination is based on the discussion of the plan.
(reference books)
- Catizzone, A. (2007), fondamenti di Cartografia, Gangemi ed. Roma. - Gabellini, P., (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci ed. - Gabellini, P., (1998), La rappresentazione nel piano urbanistico, Nis ed. - Nucci, L., (2012), Verde di prossimità e disegno urbano, Gangemi Editore, Roma. - Nucci, L., (2004), Reti verdi e disegno della città contemporanea: la costruzione del nuovo piano di Londra, Gangemi Editore, Roma. - Secchi, B., (2008), La città del Ventesimo Secolo, Laterza Ed., Bari. - Campos Venuti G., Oliva F (a cura di), (2010), Città senza cultura. Intervista sull'urbanistica, Laterza Ed., Bari. - AA.VV. (2018), Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, città studi edizioni, Milano.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
English summary The city is the place of research, experimentation and action of the Studio. Students are involved in understanding of the city and they will work with the main themes running through the discipline of urban design. Finally, students will produce a master plan for the redevelopment of the city under study. The course approaches to the students about the problems of contemporary urban condition. Lessons and classroom activities, with the active participation of students, will explore the major theoretical developments in urban studies. The final exam is individual and consists of an oral and evaluation exercises carried out in any working group.
(reference books)
Rieducazione alla speranza Patrick Geddes Planner in India, 1914-1924 Capitolo secondo, L’arte di guardare la Città, pag. 75-114 Un Mondo di città Giorgio Piccinato Prefazione e Capitolo primo a scelta uno degli altri capitoli Patrizia Gabellini Fare urbanistica Parte Prima Esperienze: la riflessione nella pratica, pp.13-72 2015. Caudo G, Roma Prossima, in: AA.VV. Roma 20-25 Nuovi cicli di vita della metropoli, p. 18-31. Quodlibet, 2012 Caudo G. Povera Casa. ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI, vol. 105/2012, p. 121-128, 2011 – Caudo G. La città pubblica. URBANISTICA, vol. LXIII, p. 118-121, 2008 – CAUDO G. SEBASTIANELLI S., La nuova questione abitativa: dalla casa all’abitare. In: AA.VV. L’Italia cerca casa. Progetti per abitare la città. vol. unico, p. 40-47, NAPOLI:Electa Napoli,
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation