Cytology – Microscopic and submicroscopic organization of cells and tissues of the human body; their interactions and morpho-functional correlations. The cell: shape, size and cellular differences, chemical composition. Permeability and active Transport. Membrane potential. Intercellular junctions. Cell division: mitosis and meiosis. Somatic and germinal cells. Histology - Embryonic derivation, structure, classification, functions and locations of the following tissues: epithelial tissues, connective tissues, muscle tissues, nervous tissues. Exocrine glandular epithelium. Endocrine glands and their function. Transformed epithelials: the Crystalline. The connective tissues, cartilage, bone, adipose tissue; blood. Myeloid and lymphoid haematopoiesis; Lymphoid tissue and immunity (generality); Muscle tissue: smooth, skeletal and cardiac; Nervous tissue: the neuron and its structure; Retina Structure. Human anatomy - Fundamentals and general organization of the human body. General organization of the apparatus and systems: a) circulatory system b) respiratory apparatus c) uro-genital apparatus d) digestive system e) hematopoietic system f) endocrine apparatus g) Male and Female Reproductive apparatus h) tegumentary apparatus i) locomotor apparatus l ) Nervous system m) visual apparatus n) auditory apparatus. Ocular anatomy – The orbit and paranasal sinuses; The lacrimal system; The eyelids; The conjunctiva; The cornea; The ciliary body; The iris; The lens; The choroid and sclera; The retina; The visual pathways; The extraocular muscles; Orbital vasculature and the cavernous sinus; Skull osteology; Visual acuity and adaptation; Colour vision; Binocular vision and stereopsis; General physiology of eye structure; The Orbital Blood Vessels; The Nerve Supply of the Orbit; Embryology.
(reference books)
– Cooper G.M. - Hausman R.E., “ Fondamenti di Citologia”, PICCIN – Dalle Donne I., Gagliano N., et al. "Istologia ed elementi di anatomia microscopica", EDISES – Young B., Heath J.W., Woodford P., “Wheater. Istologia e anatomia microscopica”, Edra Masson – Kerr J.B. “Atlante di istologia funzionale”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Gilroy A.M. "Elementi di Anatomia Umana, EDISES – Caporossi A. "Oftalmologia”, PICCIN