In the reflection on translation, which already begins in the ancient world, many ideas come back and interweave over the centuries, often covering themselves with different terminologies, but polarizing around the same problems. The course will show historically, but also typologically, the passage from a reflection focused on the comparison between linguistic systems and individual syntagms to a reorientation on the text, which involves the centrality of the role of the reader, to the cognitivist turn that focuses on the mental processes of the translator, while at the same time the Translation Studies turn to the cultural and political aspects also inspired by the post-colonial perspective.
(reference books)
Radegundis Stolze, Übersetzungstheorien: Eine Einführung, Narr, Tübingen, 2011 (or former editions)
Stefano Arduini, Ubaldo Stecconi, Manuale di traduzione. Teorie e figure professionali, Carocci, Roma 2007
Laura Salmon, Teoria della traduzione, Franco Angeli 2017