The course will have as its subject a paremiological contrastive study of the Italian translations of a representative corpus taken from La Celestina and the Quijote. The recovery of sources and the lexicological study of proverbs will be the first phase of a work that aims to stimulate, according to a diachronic approach, a critical reflection on the results of stratified translation experiences over the centuries and develop a domain of lexicographic materials and corpora. These resources will provide the student with the appropriate tools to operate in a conscious and effective way of translation tests with respect to the material analyzed. The new experience will be supported by the discussion on methodological issues and by the reflection on the act of translating as a linguistic-cultural mediation, in order to consolidate the skills needed to act coherently in the face of transcultural problems. The course includes a theoretical and practical in-depth examination of specialized translation from Portuguese into Italian. Particular attention will be given to translation support tools, therefore to the use of dictionaries and databases and to the creation of terminographic collections.
(reference books)
Teaching material (To be studied for the finals)
Bizzarri, Hugo Ó., El refranero en la edad Media, Madrid, Ediciones del laberinto, 2004. Irribarren, José María, El porqué de los dichos: sentido origen y andecdota de dichos, modismos y frases proverbiales, Barcelona, Ariel, 2005. Iturriaga, José Gella, “444 refranes de La Celestina”, in La Celestina y su entorno social, Dirección de M. Criado de Val, Barcelona, Borras Ediciones, 1977, pp. 246-268. Tobar, M. Luisa, Las traducciones italianas de La Celestina, Centro virtual Cervantes: https://cvc.cervantes.es/lengua/iulmyt/pdf/traduccion_clasicos/21_tobar.pdf. Bizzarri Ugo Ó., Algunos comentarios al margen de las paremias cervantinas: http://www.phrasis.it/rivista/index.php/rp/article/view/8 Selezione di testi a cura del docente
Consultation texts
Miguel de Cervantes, L’ingegnoso cittadino Don Chisciotte della Mancia. Traduzione di Lorenzo Franciosini, Venezia, 1622. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Chisciotte della Mancia. Traduzione, introduzione e note di Vittorio Bodini, 2 volumi, Einaudi, Torino 1994. Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina. Traduzione di Alfonso Ordóñez, Roma,1506. Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina. Traduzione di A. Gasparetti, Rizzoli, Milano, 2006. Real Academia española, Diccionario de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2001 (consultabile on-line) Seco, Manuel; Ramos, Gabino; Andrés, Olimpia, Diccionario del Español Actual, Madrid, Santillana, 2006.
For non attending students: Non-attendant students have to contact the teacher at least two months before the final exam in order to accord program’s integration and written essay;