ITALY AND THE GLOBALIZATION AGE: FROM THE 1970s TO THE CRISIS OF THE SECOND REPUBLIC. The course will analyse Italian recent history and the increasing pace of globalization since 1970s. It will start from the exploration of the political, social, economic and cultural developments in Italy from 1968 to the end of Cold War and the crisis of the First Republic, in order to facilitate the understanding of the main interpretation issues of the Second Republic addressed later. The course will place Italy within the context of the globalized world and focus on the relationship between internal dynamics and global transformation processes, as well as on the phenomenon of migration to Italy.
(reference books)
1. A. Giovagnoli, La Repubblica degli italiani 1946-2016, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2016; 2. V. Castronovo, L’anomalia italiana. Memoria del presente dagli anni Ottanta a oggi, Marsilio, Venezia 2018; 3. M. Colucci, Storia dell’immigrazione straniera in Italia. Dal 1945 ai giorni nostri, Carocci, Roma 2018; 4. a book of your choice between the following: • S. Allievi, G. Della Zuanna, Tutto quello che non vi hanno mai detto sull’immigrazione, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2016; • Paolo Orrù, Il discorso sulle migrazioni nell'Italia contemporanea. Un'analisi linguistico-discorsiva sulla stampa (2000-2010), Franco Angeli, Milano 2017.