Programme Jurisdiction and recognition of foreign decisions in the national and EU law. The EU rules for the unification of the conflicts of law. The reference to foreign law and limits to its applicability.
Scope of the course The law applicable to private transnational relations in the national legal system and according to the European Union rules on the conflicts of law and jurisdiction, also in the light of the national case law and of the decisions of the European Court of Justice. Aim of the course At the end of the course, the student should be able to develop a correct approach to problems relating to the law and jurisdiction to decide transnational cases. This should be a useful background to properly address the profession of a lawyer.
(reference books)
Suggested textbook MOSCONI, CAMPIGLIO, Diritto internazionale privato e processuale, parte generale ed obbligazioni vol. I 88th issue, UTET, Torino, 2017) and vol. II (6th issue, UTET, Torino, 2016). Materials for attending students During the course, materials will be made available to the students who attend the class, also in other European languages.