Electric charge. Coulomb's law. Quantization of the electric charge. The electric field. The elctrostatic potential. Electric dipole.
Gauss's theorem. Electrostatic shielding. Capacitance. Capacitors. Series and parallel connection of capacitors. The general problem of electrostatics. Energy of the electrostatic field.
The dielectric constant. Polarization by deformation and orientation. The electric polarization vector. The equations of elettrostatics with dielectrics. The D vector.
Electromotive force. Electric current and current density. Ohm's law. Joule's law. Resistance. Resistors. Series and parallel connection of resistors. Kirchhoff's laws. Electric generators. Currents in liquids and gases.
Magnetic field. Lorentz force. Magnetic field from a moving charged particle. Laplace's laws. Divergence of B. Electrodynamical forces. Magnetic moment. Ampere's law. Faraday's law of induction. Self and mutual induction. Displacement current.
Magnetic moment of an electron. Magnetic polarization. Current densities. The equation of magnetostatics in the presence of materials. The H vector. Dia-, para- and ferromagnetic materials. Larmor's precession. Polarization by orientation.
Electromagnetic waves. Equation of waves. Plane waves. Waves in dielectrics. Poynting's vector. Doppler effect. Reflection and refraction. Dispersion of light. Huygens-Frenel's principle. Interference. Diffraction. Geometric optics: mirrors and lenses.
Postulates. Time dilation and length contraction. Lorentz transormation. Four-vectors. Lorentz invariant quantities. Space-time intervals. Velocity. Four-momentum. Mass and energy. Minkowski's force. Doppler effect. Four-current. Electromagnetic tensor.
(reference books)
Corrado Mencuccini, Vittorio Silvestrini. Fisica 2. Elettromagnetismo-ottica. Corso di fisica per le facoltà scientifiche. Con esempi ed esercizi Liguori Editore