The course will examine the system of local self-government, with reference both to the articulation of the functions and organizational models chosen to pursue them, both forms of management and provision of local public services. in particular, it will be given an account of how the regulatory changes have altered the pre-existing structure from the beginning of the nineties and with specific attention to the impact of the 2001 constitutional reform and the law n. 56/2014 (so-called law Delrio). reforms will be analyzed to verify its application developments; these have a particular relief when they affect the relationship between local government and citizens and between the aforementioned governments and all businesses operating in the area.
The course will cover the following topics:
- The local government in the context of the administrative organization. issues and problems. - The local system from its origins to the law n. 142/1990. - The legislative development in the period 1990-2000. - The 2001 constitutional reform. - Law no. 56/2014 and its status of implementation. - Current local system reform trends. - The reflection of the economic crisis on the local system. - Municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities. - The electoral system and form of government - Relationships between local government bodies - The mayor and the council - The power of the mayor’s ordinance -The city council - The local system sources: statutes, regulations, administrative sources. - Local public services from the approval of the law n. 142/1990 until the referendum of June 2011. - Local public services after the referendum and in the current regulations. - The influence of Community law on the regulation of local public services - The forms of management and the ways of award. - Local public companies. - Establishment of local administrations and territorial variations. - Forms of inter-communal and inter-provincial decentralization - The forms of association and cooperation between local authorities. - The local administrative organization and personnel: offices, staff and leadership. - Municipal and provincial secretaries. - The administrative functions of local authorities in the legislative development and their operating modes. - Forms and tools of citizen participation in the action of the local administration. - Administrative checks. - Structural and functional connections between levels of government. - The local finance. - Fiscal federalism (notes). - The state property federalism (notes). - The local systems in other european countries
(reference books)
-L. Vandelli, Il sistema delle autonomie locali, Il Mulino, Bologna (last ed.).
Additional teaching material will be provided to students, during the course and will be available on the following weblink http:/scienzepolitiche.uniroma3.it/fdilascio/?page_id=4, otherwise it will be supplied by the Professor, upon request. The course will make further optional material available to students. The knowledge of the legislative, regulatory and judicial measures analyzed during the course is strictly necessary. Particularly, the detailed study of these following acts is required: -Italian Costitution, artt. 5, 114-133. -Legislative decree n. 267/2000 “Testo unico delle leggi sull’ordinamento degli enti locali” -Law n. 56/2014 “Disposizioni sulle città metropolitana, sulle province, sulle unioni e fusioni di comuni”.