In line with the educational objectives of the Degree Course in Economics and Business Management, the course promotes knowledge of the fundamental institutions of private law, through a logical-scientific and methodological approach to the matter, which allows students to acquire a solid base to deepen more specific areas and related disciplines - including those to be addressed in the master’s degree courses activated in the Department - and indispensable for their cultural and professional training. It aims to provide the conceptual tools and reading keys useful to allow the understanding of the legal system in its essential components through the analysis of the rules and their concrete application. To this end, both during the course and in the study of the recommended texts, the use of an updated civil code is indispensable. At the end of the course, the student will have: - taken knowledge and become acquainted with the basic categories of private law and with the fundamentals of the methodology of legal interpretation; - acquired a notional-theoretical apparatus and an appropriate technical language; - developed a method of understanding the subject.
21210115 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
Group: A - L
The course is composed by modules. The first two modules include the following legal categories: sources of law; subjective juridical situations; physical and juridical persons; legal assets, real rights in re propria and in re aliena; fact, act and trade; obligations; contracts in general. The third part focuses on the forms of transfer of familial property, with particular emphasis on the discipline of family law and mortis causa succession.
(reference books)
- M. NUZZO, Introduzione alle scienze giuridiche. Norme - Soggetti - Attività, 3ª ed., Giappichelli, 2009 - F. MACIOCE, L’obbligazione e il contratto, 3ª ed., Giappichelli, 2013 - L. ROSSI CARLEO, E. BELLISARIO, V. CUFFARO, Famiglia e successioni. Le forme di circolazione della ricchezza familiare, 4ª ed., Giappichelli, 2016 (excluding sec. from 6 to 12 Chap. III; Chap. VIII and Chap. X)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 17/09/2018 to 15/12/2018 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Group: M - Z
The course is composed by modules. The first two modules include the following legal categories: sources of law; subjective juridical situations; physical and juridical persons; legal assets, real rights in re propria and in re aliena; fact, act and trade; obligations; contracts in general. The third part focuses on the forms of transfer of familial property, with particular emphasis on the discipline of family law and mortis causa succession.
(reference books)
- M. NUZZO, Introduzione alle scienze giuridiche. Norme - Soggetti - Attività, 3ª ed., Giappichelli, 2009 - F. MACIOCE, L’obbligazione e il contratto, 3ª ed., Giappichelli, 2013 - L. ROSSI CARLEO, E. BELLISARIO, V. CUFFARO, Famiglia e successioni. Le forme di circolazione della ricchezza familiare, 4ª ed., Giappichelli, 2016 (excluding sec. from 6 to 12 Chap. III; Chap. VIII and Chap. X)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 17/09/2018 to 15/12/2018 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam