The structure of the city is the focus of the laboratory; it is understood as a complex system of relations within which the design of public space takes shape. The program has the objective to compare students with a complex design theme and multi scale, divided into three main stages: 1_The study of the territory and planning instruments. 2_The project for the regeneration of a neighbourhood. 3_The architectural project.
21002038 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
The structure of the city is the focus of the laboratory; it is understood as a complex system of relations within which the design of public space takes shape. The program has the objective to compare students with a complex design theme and multi scale, divided into three main stages: 1_The study of the territory and planning instruments. 2_The project for the regeneration of a neighbourhood. 3_The architectural project.
21002038-3 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Related or supplementary learning activities
The Open Space Design Studio intends to provide reading and interpretation tools of the urban landscape, i.e. to develop the right sensitivity to recognize its the material and immaterial values as well as developing creativity and technical skills to translate them into an architecture design that is both "device" and "detonator" of landscape quality. The course aims at developing a specific critical / interpretative / theoretical background and contributing, together with the other modules of the Studio, to drawing up a complex and articulated design, a coherent set of architecture and open spaces, which is able to define or re-define the structure and image of a urban context.
(reference books)
- Clément G.: Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet 2006 - Koolhaas R.: Junkspace. Per un ripensamento radicale dello spazio urbano, Quodlibet 2006
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
In the Studio 3M coordinated by prof. Palmieri, the module Design of Open Spaces focuses on landscape knowledge in the scales of architectural and urban design. The course will illustrate both theoretical and applied techniques of contemporary analysis and design, with regards to the identity of urban and peri-urban landscape, urban requalification, enhancement of architectural and environmental heritage, sustainability in Mediterranean regions, management of green areas, the dialectic between public-private stakeholders. The course aims to develop a landscape project for the new construction and/or redevelopment of green areas and open spaces, in collaboration with the other modules of the Studio. Through lectures, design sessions, visits, researches, reviews, it will encourage active participation of the students and their interaction. The elaboration of the Studio project will define its architectural consistency, up to the identification of the characterizing choices and related details, in the following phases: - thematic analysis of the system of open spaces; - synthesis of the weaknesses and strengths; - design at urban and architectural scales, and definition of techniques, materials, and plants.
(reference books)
- AGOSTONI, F. & C.M. MARINONI (1987), Manuale di progettazione di spazi verdi, Zanichelli - BIANCO, G. [a cura di] (2008), Marmi e Pietre, Mancosu - BRUSCHI, S. & M. DI GIOVINE (1998), Il verde pubblico, NIS - ZAGARI, F. [a cura di] (2009), Manuale di progettazione Giardini, Mancosu
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The course “Design of Open Spaces” deals with themes strictly related to those developed from other modules of the Laboratory of Architectural Design 3M C, headed by Prof.Carlo Prati. The teaching activities, carried out during the first semester, are organized in lectures and in project experiences. The system of urban and peri-urban open spaces, characterized by human and natural features, represents the main theme of the course which involves different aspects of landscape. Particular importance is given to analysis, assessment and planning/design, with attention to physiographic, vegetational, historical, and visual elements of sites as well as anthropic and ecological dynamics. These represent the local identity and are capable of stimulating innovative strategies of planning and design in synergy with the characteristics of the territorial context, on both a large or a small scale. In this way, the lectures and project experiences can help the students to develop cognitive, assessment and design skills. These are based on the understanding and construction of relationships between architectures and open spaces, between identifying features and contemporary transformations, between spatial articulation and its evolutionary dynamics.
(reference books)
Sul paesaggio - Cinti D. (2008), Questioni di metodo, in Cinti D., Progetto di paesaggio. Il bacino di Montedoglio e la golena del Tevere, Firenze, pp. 17-71 - Giacomini V., Romani V. (1982), Uomini e parchi, Milano. - McHarg I.L., Progettare con la natura, 1989. - Lingiardi V. (2017), Mindscapes. Psiche nel paesaggio, Varese. - Lynch K. (1964), L’immagine della città, Venezia, 1964. - Nogué J. (2017), Paesaggio, Territorio, Società civile. Il senso del luogo nel contemporaneo, Melfi. - Pandakovic D., Dal Sasso A. (2009), Saper vedere il paesaggio, Milano. - Romani V. (2008), Il paesaggio. Percorsi di studio, Milano. Sui parchi urbani - Cortesi I. (2004), Il progetto del vuoto. Public Space in Motion, Firenze. - Ippolito A.M. (2006), Il parco urbano contemporaneo, notomia e riflessioni, Firenze. - Panzini F. (1993), Per i piaceri del popolo. L’evoluzione del giardino pubblico in Europa dalle origini al XX secolo, Bologna.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The structure of the city is the focus of the laboratory; it is understood as a complex system of relations within which the design of public space takes shape. The program has the objective to compare students with a complex design theme and multi scale, divided into three main stages: 1_The study of the territory and planning instruments. 2_The project for the regeneration of a neighbourhood. 3_The architectural project.
21002038-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
During the Laboratorio students are asked to develope a project within the urban context of the existing city. Attention will be payed especially to abandoned places and areas which need to be redeveloped. Students will face the complexity of the contemporary city to outline architecture soluntions to regenerate public spaces and collective areas. The laboratorio together with design has three other subjects: City Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Economy. During the design studio, students are requested to engage in a continue research of architecture solutions, able to solve issues and problems posed by the different disciplines which are part of the Laboratorio. The design studio is organized in lectures on specific subject, design seminars and detailed discussions of the projects. The student work will be organized around a scheduled of in internal deadlines. The historic center of Rome is characterized by the presence of a series of urban parks that are uniformly distributed along its perimeter: - Doria Pamphjli park - Pineto urban park - park of Monte Mario - park of villa Glori - park of villa Ada - park of Villa Borghese
In the laboratory, the first objective of the laboratory is the definition of a continuous cycle path, linking each of the urban parks of Rome in order to define a continuous loop that is able to configure a sort of ring road for bicycles. This ring is also connected with the ridge of the Tiber. Each group of students will have as their objective the detailed project of a link section and will have to coordinate with the two groups of students that precede and follow them in the general scheme. Along the connecting stretches, students are invited to reconnect where they exist, metro stations, public transport stops, exchange parking lots, bus terminals, in order to provide the cycle network with a series of modal interconnections, At the same time, cycle routes will interpret a series of urban places according to the inhabitants of the neighborhoods that are crossed by the connections between the parks. The purpose of the project is to define a large-scale service cycle infrastructure for the city, while at the same time establishing connections between the parks in the crossed districts, the inhabitants are offered a local network of movements capable of operating for a process. urban regeneration of public spaces crossed.
(reference books)
In the early phase of the laboratory, during a series of lectures, a series of case studies will be analyzed, which can be used as a guideline for the design. Subsequently, a series of specific references relating to the various aspects of the case studies projects will be provided.
These references will be available by accessing a shared Google drive of the Laboratorio.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The aim of the course is to focus an urban design problem in an integrated way, submitting the student a theme of reconversion, regeneration and reconfiguration of a significant area within the building fabric of Rome. For this purpose this year was chosen the area of the Via Cristoforo Colombo between Piazza dei Navigatori and the cross-axis formed by via Aristide Leonori and via Accademia degli Agiati. An urban sector that has been conditioned, since its formation in the years preceding the Second World War, by the presence of the EUR district, and whose recent history has been characterized by the transfer of the Fiera di Roma, with the consequent loss of function of the area it occupied until 2006.
(reference books)
references and bibliography are given during the course. There are no texts adopted. However, we recommend the preliminary reading of: C. Sitte, "L'arte di costruire la città", Milano, Jaca Book, 1980. L. Mumford, "La città nella storia", Bompiani, Milano, 1961. A. Rossi, "L'architettura della città", Clup, Milano, 1987. B. Secchi, "La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri", Laterza, Bari, 2013.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
To consider architecture as an urban phenomenon allows us to see the project as a dual action, both analytical and practical, able to achieve a space configuration capable of positively orientate the future development of the city. The Workshop studies the eastern area of Rome, concentrated around the Via Prenestina, and proposes, as an analysis of the building's scale, four different operating fields interpreted as paradigms of the state of strong instability in which the contemporary city is. The course has the purpose to verify, through the project's tools, the actuality of researches on the formation of the city seen as a summation of heterogeneous parts carried out starting from the 60’s by Aldo Rossi, Carlo Aymonino and Colin Rowe and to verify their applicability in a project of regeneration on the urban scale. Among the main assumptions to be verified: The city as a set of parts: “The passage in the modern city from the central reference points (...) to the paths system as a way of total representation of the urban system cancels any homogeneous and global significance of the city itself (...) by assigning to infrastructure the role of structural elements of the system itself. Therefore, the total representation accentuates the process previously started of the independence of the parts of the city, making the morphological unit of the set disappear”. Relationship between building and city. We can consider the city as the product of a changing relationship between types of building and urban morphology that can define the content of a building, always stretched between the need to stick to a model or to propose a variation as a result of a "compromise" generated by the need to get adapted to an imperfect site. Relationship between city and history. The city is "an artificial place of history in which every age - every society that has come to diversify itself from the one that preceded it - tries, through the representation of itself in architectural monuments, the impossible: to mark that specific time, beyond necessities and contingent reasons why buildings were built." Beauty of a city. The beauty of a city is the result of a contradiction: on one hand the permanence of the monument seen as an inheritance and on the other hand the "constantly changing reality of the use made of such heritage". Meaning of a city. The meaning of the city is in the role of the monuments that become "significant (...) precisely because, with their specific presence before and with the diversification of use after, they give an important contribution in changing partial references in relation to the set " Relationship between monument and city. Monuments are "permanences" inside the urban structure of "a past that we still experience" then the architect must understand the problem of permanences interpretable in two ways, both as "pathologies" and as "propulsion" elements.
Field of study The Workshop has as subject of study the Via Prenestina, in the distance between Porta Maggiore and the pre-Roman city of Gabii; it offers 4 different operating fields as a design analysis to the building scale. The choice of the territories in which to experiment and verify the premises that were set at the basis of the course program, will be shared within the working groups starting with a proposal that focuses on the four fields of study according to a principle of morpho- typological homogeneity, of functional outfits and of historical-environmental resources. Respecting the different historical ages that have produced just as many ways of building the city, along the Via Prenestina, it is possible to trace in all of its sections, ancient monuments (Porta Maggiore and Torrione Prenestino, Largo Preneste and Villa Gordiani, Quarticciolo and La Mistica, Gabii and Via Gabina), open spaces (Villa Gordiani, Parco Alessandrino, Parco della Mistica, Gabii’s archaeological park) and patterns of historical and architectural value (ICP via L'Aquila, UNRA Casas Gordiani, PdZ Tor Sapienza, ICP Quarticciolo, PdZ Ponte di Nona) inserted in spontaneous urban contexts (Pigneto, Centocelle, Tor Sapienza, Osteria dell'Omo, Osteria dell'Osa) and set side by side with dismantled industrial structures (the depository of ATAC Porta Maggiore, SNIA Viscosa, the barracks of CERIMANT, AMA Rocca Cencia). The invariants for the development of the project must be tracked within these components, with the help of the transformability forecasts established by the PRG and the limitations imposed by the current laws.
(reference books)
Sono ritenuti fondativi i seguenti testi:
- O. M. Ungers, La città dialettica, Skira, Milano 1997 - F. Purini, Comporre l’architettura, ed. Laterza Roma-Bari, 2000
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
The structure of the city is the focus of the laboratory; it is understood as a complex system of relations within which the design of public space takes shape. The program has the objective to compare students with a complex design theme and multi scale, divided into three main stages: 1_The study of the territory and planning instruments. 2_The project for the regeneration of a neighbourhood. 3_The architectural project.
21002038-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
The Course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of urban planning in general, with particular reference to urban scale analysis. The reading of the context assumes a central role in the Course, cause it allows students to face the use of different techniques and tools (cartographic analysis, photographic campaigns, statistical surveys, listening to citizens, questionnaires, etc. ) aimed to highlight criticalities and potentiaities of a given urban area. This status will then be compared, as far as possible critically, with the "rule of law", ie with the provisions of the current Municipal Plan.
(reference books)
- Gabellini P., Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci Editore, 2001 - Campos Venuti G., a cura di, Cinquant’anni di urbanistica, Editori Laterza, 1993 - Palazzo A.L., a cura di, Campagne urbane. Paesaggi in trasformazione nell’area romana, Gangemi Editore, 2005 - Rizzo B., cura di, Reti ecologiche e piani provinciali, servizio su Urbanistica 136/2008
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The urban planning course, part of the architectural design workshop, introduces urban and infrastructural issues according to a didactic plan organized into the following three aspects: the fundamentals of the discipline and its developments until the 2000s, the interpretative categories in order to understand the urban transformation processes, the understanding of the typical urban intervention instruments. The course ends with a design experience of what has been learned. Lessons, of increasing complexity, improve the technical skills about the redevelopment of the contemporary city. - definition of the discipline, of the history of the cities and relationship with their growth through the urban planning; - analysis of the revenue and of the attempt to guide the urban transformation through set of laws and planning; - description of different planning types and of the drawings that compose them organized sequentially by styles and rules; - relationship between politics and planning in order to describe the most recent experiments and the open issues. At the same time will be lead some thematic lessons addressing the recurring aspects in order to develop a complete design experience. These lessons are organized by the following systems: - The environmental system and the elementary landscape reading codes, - The settlement system, the urban settlement features and the growth phases, - The urban functions system, - The system of relationship and networks. Each lesson presents the theories about the topic and the way to lead the analysis up to the final synthesis and the beginning of an urban planning design. Thematic lessons will be introduced when general contents have already been discussed, in order to ensure a better clear theoretical knowledge before to apply it in a practical design. The final list of lessons on the topic above mentioned will be delivered on the first day of the course.
(reference books)
Benevolo,L. “Storia della città. Vol. 4. La città contemporanea” Laterza, Bari, 2006 Salzano, E. “Fondamenti di Urbanistica” Laterza Grandi Opere, Bari, 2007
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation
The aim is to interpret settlement patterns and related functionings at various scales in the wide wedge of the Agro Romano depending upon the Prenestina Way between Porta Maggiore and Gabi and a minor network of transversal routes along the tributary ditches of the Aniene River. The purpose is to achieve, in close connection with the course of Architectural Design and the Landscape module, a definition of a backbone of open space able to organize relationships, functions and to give shape to suburbs according to citizens needs . A particular field analysis will be dedicated to this aspect through questionnaires to inhabitants.
(reference books)
• Insolera, Roma moderna, Einaudi, Torino, 1962. • A.L. Palazzo (a cura di), Campagne urbane. Paesaggi in trasformazione nell’area romana, Gangemi, Roma, 2005.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The structure of the city is the focus of the laboratory; it is understood as a complex system of relations within which the design of public space takes shape. The program has the objective to compare students with a complex design theme and multi scale, divided into three main stages: 1_The study of the territory and planning instruments. 2_The project for the regeneration of a neighbourhood. 3_The architectural project.
21002038-4 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Basics of microeconomics. Production theory: production function, cost function, profit maximization, economies of scale. What is a city and why it raises: the agglomeration principle. Localization of production and residential activities: spatial competition. Spatial interaction Principle of hierarchy Urban dynamics
(reference books)
Camagni R. (2011), Principi di economia urbana e territoriale (cap. I, II, III, IV, V, VII). Bernheim Douglas, Whinston Michael, Microeconomia, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2009.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Written test
Derived from
21002038-4 URBAN ECONOMY in Master of Science - Architecture LM-4 CANALE I PIERUCCI ELEONORA
Basics of microeconomics. Production theory: production function, cost function, profit maximization, economies of scale. What is a city and why it raises: the agglomeration principle. Localization of production and residential activities: spatial competition. Spatial interaction Principle of hierarchy Urban dynamics
(reference books)
Camagni R. (2011), Principi di economia urbana e territoriale (cap. I, II, III, IV, V, VII). Bernheim Douglas, Whinston Michael, Microeconomia, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2009.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Written test
Derived from
21002038-4 URBAN ECONOMY in Master of Science - Architecture LM-4 CANALE I PIERUCCI ELEONORA
Basics of microeconomics. Production theory: production function, cost function, profit maximization, economies of scale. What is a city and why it raises: the agglomeration principle. Localization of production and residential activities: spatial competition. Spatial interaction Principle of hierarchy Urban dynamics
(reference books)
Camagni R. (2011), Principi di economia urbana e territoriale (cap. I, II, III, IV, V, VII). Bernheim Douglas, Whinston Michael, Microeconomia, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2009.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/10/2018 to 28/02/2019 |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Written test