Derived from
21201530 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT in Economics and Business Administration L-18 (professor to define)
Module I (prof Marchiori Michela) 1. Introduction: the characteristics of the field of study and the specificities of "Business Organization" 2. The organizational literature: an outline of the history of organizational thought. 3. The organizational design choices (organizational design): the levels of analysis and intervention 4. Design choices for work design A theoretical study: the analysis and discussion of the theory of the Scientific Organization of Labor by Frederick Taylor 4.2 The reassembly of the divided work: the job redesign aapporach and the sociotechnical approach
4.3 The theories behind post-Fordist approaches: Human Relation; Human Resource; sociotechnical approach
4.4 The new forms of work organization: Industry 4.0 and Smart work
5. Personnel management
5.1 Phases, activities and methodologies
5.2 Actors of the human resources management
5.3 The analysis of positions: tools and methods adopted in business practice 6. Work process design choices (inter-organizational relations): post-Fordism solutions and organizational techniques ... see module II program 7. Design choices of the organizational structure (business structure) 7.1 The problem of choosing the "formal configuration" of the organization: the origins of the topic in the literature 7.2 Traditional organizational structures: the functional structure, the divisional structure (the M form), the matrix structure. 7.3. The "post-Fordist" organizational structures: the process structure, the modular structure, the internal network. 7.4 Business groups and Holding companies 8. Design choices of organizational boundaries 8.1 The problem of the "boundaries" of the firm : origins and evolution of the literature on the subject 8.2 Outsourcing choices 8.3. Alliances and collaboration agreements between companies (motivations and contractual forms) 8.4 Business networks (outline)
(reference books)
Attending students 1) Marchiori Michela “Lecture notes on Business Organization course. Module I Academic Year 2019-2020 " 2) Albano Valentina “Lecture notes on Business Organization course. Module II Academic Year 2019-2020 "
Non-attending students 1) Marchiori Michela “Lecture notes on Business Organization course. Module I AA 2019-2020 " 2) Albano Valentina “Lecture notes on Business Organization course. Module II AA 2019-2020" 3) Masino Giovanni, Le imprese oltre il fordismo , Carocci, 2005 pagg. 7- 87 (excluding 71-77)
N.B The lecture notes on Business Organization course are valid for both attending and non-attending students and are available at the Library of Economics in Rome3 University via Silvio dʼamico 77 00145 Roma