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21810127 ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY in International Relations LM-52 N0 (A-Z) PASQUALI FABIO
The course is divided into four sections: 1. Introduction, framework on the theme of development and historical analysis of the formation of the economic gap between States (4 lessons) 2. Development economics: explanatory models and reference thinkers, traditional approaches and additional or alternative contributions (15 lessons) 3. The "Mainstream" and the main current frameworks of economics and development policy (4 lessons) 4. Development policy themes and tools (12 lessons)
(reference books)
1. Blanchard, "Macroeconomia", vol. 1, chapters 10 e 11 e 12 (edition 2009), or chapters 11, 12 e 13 (edition 2011) 2. A text chosen from the following (only one of the three, preferably one of the two in English): a. S. Deneulin and Lila Shahani (editors), An Introduction to the Human Development and Capability Approach, Earthscan, 2009 (available free on the web at b. J. McKay, D. Kingsbury and others, International development: Issues and Challenges, Palgrave MacMillan (first edition 2008, second edition 2012, third editione 2016: all three editions can be used for the preparation of the exam) c. N. Boccella, V. Feliziani, A. Rinaldi, Economia e sviluppo diseguale. Fatti, teorie, politiche", Pearson 2013 3. A reading chosen by the candidate among the followings authors: a. Amartya Sen b. Dani Rodrik c. Joseph Stiglitz d. Raj Patel The candidate may propose some alternative authors or texts, provided that they pertain with the issues of the course, by agreeing it in advance with the teacher.