The course will be organized into three parts. The first will refer to the events that characterize the history of contemporary Latin America in the light of the most recent historiographical perspectives. In the second part, in the more general framework, will be analyze the relations between Italy and Latin America in the second half of the twentieth century. Finally, in the third part, after some essential references to the relationship between history and memory, will be interpreted the memories of the victims of human rights violations during the military dictatorships and the internal armed conflicts of the second half of the last century.
FURTHER INFORMATION Students who do not plan to attend the course and those who will be attending on an irregular basis are strongly encouraged to meet the course leader during office hours at the beginning of the course. To arrange a meeting outside of office hours please send an email. The meeting is important in order to obtain more detailed informations on what to study and about the oral examination.
(reference books)
a) For the first part: - Loris Zanatta, Storia dell’America Latina contemporanea, Bari, Laterza, 2017; - Maria R. Stabili, Le Verità Ufficiali. Transizioni Politiche e Diritti umani in America Latina, Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2008;
b) For the second, one chosen among: - Massimo De Giuseppe, L’altra America:i cattolici italiani e l’America Latina. Da Medellín a Francesco, Morcelliana, Brescia, 2017; - Raffaele Nocera, Il sogno infranto. DC, l’Internazionale democristiana e l’America Latina (1960-1980), Carocci, Roma, 2017; - Onofrio Pappagallo, Verso il nuovo mondo. Il PCI e l’America Latina (1945-1973), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017.
c) For the third, one chosen among: - Benasayag Miguel, Malgrado tutto. Racconti a bassa voce dalle prigioni argentine, Filema, Napoli, 1981; - Berti Norma, Donne ai tempi dell’oscurità. Voci di detenute politiche nell’ Argentina della dittatura militare, Ed.SEB27, Torino, 2009; - De Gennaro Riccardo, Mujeres. Storia di donne argentine, Manifestolibri, Roma, 2006; - Giletti Benso Silvia, Silvestri Laura, Ciudad Juarez. La violenza sulle donne in America Latina, l'impunità, la resistenza delle madri, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010; - Memoria del buio. Lettere e diari delle donne argentine imprigionate durante la dittatura. Una testimonianza di resistenza collettiva, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano, 2008; - Osorio Elsa, I vent’anni di Luz, Guanda, Parma, 2012; - Stabili Maria Rosaria (a cura di), Violenze di genere. Storie e memorie nell’America Latina di fine Novecento, Nuova Cultura, Roma, 2009; - Toffanin Angela, Controcanto. Donne latinoamericane tra violenza e riconoscimento, Guerini, Milano, 2015.