Ariosto our contemporary. Orlando Furioso between passion and wishes, lyric and theatre. Centuries later from first ideation and complexive rielaboration, Orlando Furioso proclaiming a classic, how celebrations about first publication 1516's demonstrate and prove. How is possible proclaiming a classic? What role passion and wishes have played? And the national and international critics, expecially feminist criticism? How can we read the poem today, between lyrics and plays? Perhaps we re-read Orlando Furioso from celebrated direction of Ronconi to most recent by Motus.
(reference books)
Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, any edition but complete version; one play; a choise of lyrics in agrement with the teacher. Giuseppe Sangirardi, Ludovico Ariosto, Mondadori Education, 2006
Further material will be available online on the teacher's page (http://studiumanistici.uniroma3.it/lfortini/bacheca/) and provided when possible in pdf or similar formats during the course.