Moro Caterina
Introduction to Hebrew Bible
The Hebrew Bible is, at the same time, a text that belongs to us, for its constant presence in western culture and history, and a text alien to us, as a product of distant times and deeply different ideas on life, world and society. The course will be an introduction to: (a) themes and languages of Hebrew scriptures; (b) historical and exegetical problems they present: (c) new methods and disciplines in critical scholarship and their possible contrast with dogmatic traditions and commonplace ideas on the past.
The course offers the opportunity to learn Biblical Hebrew (1/3 out of the teaching hours): to complete the study of Hebrew grammar students are recommended to attend the course also in the second semester (Ebraico LM).
(reference books)
For students attending courses:
G. Deiana – A. Spreafico, Guida allo studio dell'ebraico biblico, Roma 1997 (e ristampe). Notes and texts suggested/distributed during course sessions.
For student not attending courses: Caterina Moro, I sandali di Mosè, Paideia, Brescia 2011