Bases of Italian Philology
The course aims to show the bases of the critical and Philological analysis of texts (collection of the ancient evidences, collation, constitution of the stemma and of the critical apparatus). During the course a series oof different philological methods will be explained, studied (with special attention to Lachmann's and Bédier's mathods) and applied to paradigmatic examples of works of the Italian literature from its origin to the modern and contemporary age.
(reference books)
- P. STOPPELLI, Filologia della letteratura italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2008 (e successive ristam
In addition to the lessons and to the study of the handbook students are required to study some parts of the following book, Franca Brambilla Ageno, L’edizione critica dei testi volgari, Padova, Antenore, 1984 (partic. pp. 31-93, 103-106, 157-162, 197-209, 211-215, 218-231), of which the teacher will provide photocophies during the course, along with oter texts: essays of textual critics, reproduction of manuscripts and printed texts, diplomatic transcrptions, pages of critical editions (containing information on the examined works and examples of texts and apparatus), notes up to the teacher.