Moro Caterina
Introduction to Hebrew Bible
The course will be an introduction to themes and languages of Hebrew scriptures, to historical and exegetical problems they present, new methods and disciplines in critical scholarship and their possible contrast with dogmatic traditions and commonplace ideas on the past; the course will discuss scriptures not only as witnesses of ideas on life, world and society of their authors, but also as literature. The course offers the opportunity to learn Biblical Hebrew (1/3 out of the teaching hours): to complete the study of Hebrew grammar students are recommended to attend the course also in the second semester (Ebraico LM).
(reference books)
For students attending courses:
G. Deiana – A. Spreafico, Guida allo studio dell'ebraico biblico, Roma 1997 (e ristampe). Notes and texts suggested/distributed during course sessions.
For students not attending courses:
P. Merlo (ed.), L'Antico Testamento. Introduzione storico-letteraria, Carocci, Roma 2011 I. Finkelstein; N.A. Silberman, The Bible Unearthed, The Free Press, New York 2001