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20702412 PALEOGRAPHY in Humanities L-10 AMMIRATI SERENA
Books, documents and everyday life writings
The course aims to study the Latin and Greeks writings of ancient age, late antiquity, medieval and early modern age, with special regard to thir value for historical and philological studies. To this end the course will include the exam of the writings of both books and documents and will show the origin and the historical events of all the main Greek and Latin writings (also in their use in vernacular manuscripts). The course aims to provide an advanced preparation to the analysis of writings, supplied with historical and cultural notions, useful to the correct interpretation of the manuscripts. The course includes both the examination of copies of documents and codices and the direct exam of manuscripts, visiting archives and libraries. The knowledge of classical languages is recommended. Students with paricular needs are invited to contact the teacher.
(reference books)
The exam will include the knowledge of the material provided during the course and practical exercises. It is required the study of the following texts:
• E. Crisci-P. Degni (a c. di), La scrittura greca dall’antichità all’epoca della stampa, Roma, Carocci, 2011 (two chapters: I or II + III or IV); • A. Petrucci, Breve storia della scrittura latina, seconda edizione, Roma, Bagatto, 1992; • A. Petrucci, Prima lezione di paleografia, Roma – Bari, Laterza, 2002 (Universale, 811)