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20703279 ROMANCE PHILOLOGY AND LINGUISTICS 1 in Languages and Cultural-Linguistic Mediation L-12 MOCAN MIRA VERONICA
The course presents the most important stages in the formation of romance linguistic and literary culture, from the evolution of the romance languages and the analysis of the first written attestations (the Appendix Probi, the indovinello veronese, the Glosses of Reichenau etc). some representive texts of the epical, lyric and courtly tradition will be analysed, with particular attention to the cultural and historical continuity between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
(reference books)
• Piero G. Beltrami, La filologia romanza, Bologna, il Mulino, 2017; • Di Girolamo, I trovatori, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1989 (Introduzione e capp. I, IV); • Gresti, Introduzione alla linguistica romanza, Bologna, Pàtron editore, 2016; • Au. Roncaglia, I primi passi del volgare, in Le origini della lingua e della letteratura italiana, Torino, UTET, 2006, pp. 157-214.