Description of the course: The course of "Latin Language and literature" is meant for the students who aim to acquire a sound basic knowledge of the themes and forms of the Latin Language, grounded on adequate linguistic abilities and, consequently, on the direct reading of some of the most significant textes of the literary production of the classical ages. To this end it includes: 1. A cycle of lessons meanto to offer a complete framework of the authors and the trends of the "literary space" in the ancient Rome, with special attention to the realtionship with the political and institutional history, to the typologies of the literary genres and to their develpment, to the nexus between the intellectuals and society, to the process of differentiation of the various levels and forms of the Latin written production. Special attention will be paid to the question of constituion and tradition of the corpus of survived textes, in reference to their medieval and modern fortune.
2. A framework of the main features of the Latin Language, with specific reference to the general structure of Latin and to the forms of the literary language.
3. Contextualization, reading, translation and comment of the follong work of the Latin literature:
- (a) Apuleius, Metamorphoses, IV 28 – VI 22 (la favola di Amore e Psiche); - (b) Sallust, De coniuratione Catilina; - (c) Vergil, Aeneis, Book XII.
Possible propedeutics: none. The students who have not studied Latin at the High school are invidet to attend the preparatory course of "Basic Latin".
(reference books)
In reference to point 1: - G.B. Conte, Letteratura latina, Firenze (ed. Le Monnier), parti I-IV (dalle Origini alla fine del II secolo d. C.). - E. Norden, La letteratura romana, Bari (Laterza), la sola appendice intitolata Le fonti antiche, disponibile nella bacheca on line del docente. - Further didactic material will be provided during the course or will be available on the teacher's online page
In reference to point 2: - R. Oniga, Il latino: breve introduzione linguistica, seconda edizione, Milano (ed. Franco Angeli).
In reference to point 3: - Apuleio, Le metamorfosi o L’asino d’oro, a cura di A. Fo, Torino (ed. Einaudi), 2014 [oppure Apuleio, La novella di Amore e Psiche, a cura di C. Moreschini, Padova (ed. Esedra), 1990]. - Sallustio, La congiura di Catilina, a cura di L. Piazzi, Milano (Ed. Rusconi), 2015. - Virgilio. L’utopia e la storia. Il libro XII dell’Eneide e antologia delle opere, a c. di A. Traina, Bologna (ed. Pàtron), 2017 [oppure Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, Traduzione a cura di A. Fo. Note di F. Giannotti, Torino (ed. Einaudi), 2012]. - further indications will be provided at the beginning of the course.