The course intends to build a historical-critical path around the documentary cinema, with a monographic focus on artist portraits made through the cinema of the real.
(reference books)
Adriano Aprà, Breve ma veridica storia del cinema documentario-Dal cinema del reale alla nonfiction, Falsopiano, Alessandria, 2017. Selected essays by the teacher deposited at the copy shop next to Libropoli.
Filmography: L’uomo con la macchina da presa (D. Vertov, 1929) Nick’s Film (W. Wenders, 1980) Tokio-ga (W. Wenders, 1985) Appunti di viaggio su moda e città (W.Wenders, 1989) Pina (W. Wenders, 2011) Il sale della terra (W. Wenders, 2014) Ak (C.Marker, 1985) Sans Soleil (C. Marker, 1982)