What is the space of theatre? The course focuses on the dual concept of theatre space and performance space by outlining a historical overview of the issue with examples across time and geography, new developments and connecting links. The analysis will concentrate on the exploration of the widespread theatricality of the Midlle Ages and the tension of the performance as organic creation typical of twentieth century culture.
(reference books)
Fabrizio Cruciani, Lo spazio del teatro, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1992 Peter Brook, La porta aperta, Torino, Einaudi, 2005 Dispense a cura della docente disponibili a fine corso presso la prima copisteria uscendo a sinistra dalla facoltà di via Ostiense 139 PER I NON FREQUENTANTI: Peter Brook, Lo spazio vuoto, Roma, Bulzoni, 1998