Introduction to hydrology; the water cycle and water balance; general information on the hydrological models; genesis of rainfall; spatial-temporal distribution of rainfall and their spatial average; stochastic interpolation. Water flow in saturated porous media; the scale effect; REV and the Darcy scale; Dupuit approximation; flow equations at the local and regional scales; transmissivity and storativity; boundary conditions; types of solutions; direct and inverse problems; Water flow in unsaturated porous media; pedofunctions; Richards equation; infiltration and redistribution. Well hydraulics; analysis of pumping well; characteristic curve; pumping tests and diagnostic curves. Evaporation; energy and aerodynamic method; mixed method; practical formulas. Mechanisms of streamflow generation; losses; rainfall-runoff lumped models; IUH and WFIUH; parameter estimation. Elements of contaminant hydrogeology.
Exercises: studies on surface and subsurface hydrology based on the use of commercial software (HEC-HMS and MODFLOW)
(reference books)
“Physical Hydrology”, Dingmann, Prentice Hall ; Chapters: 2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.3, 6, 7.1, 7.7,7.8, 8, 9 “Applied Hydrology”, Chow et al., McGraw-Hill “Handbook of Hydrology”, Maidment, McGraw-Hill “Quantitative Hydrogeology”, deMarsily, Academic Press “Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: The Primer”, Beven, Wiley “Applied Groundwater Modeling”, Anderson e Woessner, Academic Press “Idrologia tecnica”, Moisello, La Goliardica Pavese