The course deals with issues and exemplary and/or controversial cases of the international debate on the restoration of monuments and on the conservation of cultural heritage. Criteria, traditions, methods and techniques, related to specific geographical areas, orient and consolidate different ways of operating in other latitudes, sometimes in analogy, sometimes in open contrast with the principles of the Italian restoration discipline. The monographic lectures, alongside the reading of the case studies, are accompanied by a continuous comparison with the documents and the international restoration charters, which evolve in parallel with the widening and progress of the conceptions on the nature and the specificity of the "cultural heritages", differentiated both for the contexts and geographical areas in which they arise, both for the history, traditions and cultures that have accompanied them over the centuries. The study of diversity, as well as cultural singularities - in the field of restoration - in other nations contributes to enrich the knowledge of the theme and broadens the reference horizons of those who will be called to intervene, overcoming ideological barriers and prejudices, with greater awareness and responsibility on the existing built.
(reference books)
Carlo Ceschi, Teoria e Storia del restauro; Bulzoni, Roma 1970. Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann - ICCROM, Oxford 1999. Maria Margarita Segarra Lagunes, Restauración. Método y proyectos, Editorial técnica Avicam, Granada 2018.