Feynman diagrams. Tree-level processes. Discrete symmetry Feynman diagrams and cross-sections. Bhabha and Compton scattering. Gauge invarian- ce. Chiral and Majorana representations for the matrices. Parity, charge comjugation and time-reversal. Radiative Corrections Divergent behavior of an integral. Primitively divergent diagrams. Pauli-Villars regulari- zation. Coupling, mass and wave-function renormalization in a scalar theory. QED: Ward identity. Dimensional regularization. Vacuum polarization and Lamb shift. Running of the coupling constant. Brehmstrahlung, infrared divergencies and their can- cellation between real and virtual contributions. Non Abelian Gauge Theories Yang-Mills lagrangian. QCD. Non Abelian gauge invariance. Running of the strong coupling. Weak Interactions: Fermi and IVB theories. W propagator. Standard Model Lagrangian. Weak angle. Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism. Mass of the intermediate vector bosons. CKM matrix
(reference books)
F. Mandl, G. Shaw: Quantum Field Theory, ed. John Wiley & Sons; M. Peskin, D. Shroeder: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, ed. Frontiers in Physics