The women's Risorgimento Inside a general framework of the events and debates, the course will analyse the important contribution made by women to the diffusion of ideals and the politic process of the Risorgimento, especially through the biographies of significant female figures. The main historiographical debates related to the role and presence of women in the construction of a united Italy will be recalled, and space will be given to reading and commenting on documents, in order to initiate students to the critical approach to literature and sources.
(reference books)
1) Source dossier provided by the teacher through the online bulletin board. 2) MARIO BELARDINELLI, Il Risorgimento e la realizzazione della comunità nazionale, Roma, edizioni Studium, 2011. 3) Donne del Risorgimento, a cura di ELENA DONI, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011. The Italianistica students can replace the book in point 3) with the following: MARIA TERESA MORI, Figlie d’Italia. Poetesse patriote nel Risorgimento (1821-1861), Roma, Carocci, 2011.