This course will cover theoretical, practical and applied aspects of regional studies, territorial planning, urban economy and social structures, as well as short and long term transformations. The theoretical section will be divided into two parts: (1) introduction to basic concepts including: urban planning, urban economic studies, regional studies, territorial analysis and planning, the relationship between memory and design and (2) analysis of the quality of urban spaces and of its determining features. The applied section of the course serves to illustrate the use of statistical data and geographic information systems (GIS) for a territorial analysis of the different components of urban quality within this workshop’s field of studies.
21210043 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
This course will cover theoretical, practical and applied aspects of regional studies, territorial planning, urban economy and social structures, as well as short and long term transformations. The theoretical section will be divided into two parts: (1) introduction to basic concepts including: urban planning, urban economic studies, regional studies, territorial analysis and planning, the relationship between memory and design and (2) analysis of the quality of urban spaces and of its determining features. The applied section of the course serves to illustrate the use of statistical data and geographic information systems (GIS) for a territorial analysis of the different components of urban quality within this workshop’s field of studies.
21210043-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Description The course is dedicated to studying the methods used to define the quality of life in an urban environment. Quality indicators will be analysed in detail by taking account of the complex relationships that arise from different kinds of wellbeing (economic, social, environmental). Our case study will focus on the urban area between Rome and the Sea and the socio-economic, urban and environmental effects caused by urban expansion. We will begin by introducing basic concepts, and discussing some of the problems regarding the different priorities of the city and of citizens’ quality of life. Existing studies on the quality of life elsewhere and under different administrative systems will also be studied, along with their respective theoretical approaches and quality indicator systems. A body of information covering comparable data in different time periods will be provided, although this information will be dependent on the accessibility and availability of such data. The course will attach great importance to the applied approach. Students will acquire basic concepts in the construction and management of databases, analytical research and spatial statistics. There will also be some lessons on the use of GIS and its application in the presentation of the results of practical exercises.
Databases and additional material These will be provided to students during the course.
(reference books)
Camagni R. (1998) Principi di economia urbana e territoriale, Roma, Carocci Storper M., Scott A.J. (2009) Rethinking human capital, creativity and urban growth, Journal of Economic Geography 9, pp.147-167 van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., de Hollander A. (2003) Urban environmental quality and human well-being. Towards a conceptual framework and demarcation of concepts; a literature study, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, pp. 5–18 Robeyns I . (2005) The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey, Journal of Human Development 6(1), pp. 93-117 Smith T., Nelischer M., Perkins N. (1997) Quality of an urban community: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39, pp 229-241 Martínez, J.A., Pfeffer, K. and Baud, I. (2016) Factors shaping cartographic representations of inequalities : maps as products and processes, Habitat International : A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements, 51 (2016) pp. 90-102. ISTAT (2015) La nuova geografia dei sistemi locali, on-line: http://www.istat.it/it/archivio/172444 ISTAT (2014) Rapporto BES 2014, on-line: www.istat.it/it/archivio/126613 Roma città “fai da te”, Quaderni urbanistica 02/2013. Lelo K. (2006) Le «frontiere» dell’urbano, in M.F. Boemi, C.M. Travaglini (a cura di ) Roma dall'alto, pp. 69-74, Roma, Roma Tre. Lelo K. (2006) La forma della città, in M.F. Boemi, C.M. Travaglini (a cura di) Roma dall'alto, pp. 75-100, Roma, Roma Tre. Lelo K. (2011) Sistemi informativi geografici, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 265-274, Roma, Bonanno. Lelo K. (2011) Principi di basi di dati, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 287-292, Avarello A., d’Errico R., Palazzo A.L., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Il quadrante Ostiense tra Otto e Novecento, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XII, 2004, 1-2; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Economia, società e politiche urbane del territorio ostiense (secc. XIX-XX), “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 1; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Ricerche sul patrimonio urbano tra Testaccio e Ostiense, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 2; Neri M.L., Parisella A., Racheli A.M. (a cura di), Industria e città. I luoghi della produzione fra archeologia e recupero, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, VIII, 2000, 1-2; Racheli A., Ostiense Novissima: quale futuro per questa area urbana? “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 381-386; Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Un patrimonio urbano tra memoria e progetti. Roma. L’area Ostiense-Testaccio, Roma, CROMA-Università Roma Tre, 2004. Travaglini C.M., Tra Testaccio e l’Ostiense i segni di Roma produttiva: un paesaggio urbano e un patrimonio culturale per la città, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 343-380.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 17/09/2018 to 15/12/2018 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
This course will cover theoretical, practical and applied aspects of regional studies, territorial planning, urban economy and social structures, as well as short and long term transformations. The theoretical section will be divided into two parts: (1) introduction to basic concepts including: urban planning, urban economic studies, regional studies, territorial analysis and planning, the relationship between memory and design and (2) analysis of the quality of urban spaces and of its determining features. The applied section of the course serves to illustrate the use of statistical data and geographic information systems (GIS) for a territorial analysis of the different components of urban quality within this workshop’s field of studies.
21210043-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Description The course is dedicated to studying the methods used to define the quality of life in an urban environment. Quality indicators will be analysed in detail by taking account of the complex relationships that arise from different kinds of wellbeing (economic, social, environmental). Our case study will focus on the urban area of Ostiense-Marconi and the socio-economic, urban and environmental effects caused by the arrival of the University Roma Tre in the 1990s. We will begin by introducing basic concepts, and discussing some of the problems regarding the different priorities of the city and of citizens’ quality of life. Existing studies on the quality of life elsewhere and under different administrative systems will also be studied, along with their respective theoretical approaches and quality indicator systems. A body of information covering comparable data in different time periods will be provided, although this information will be dependent on the accessibility and availability of such data. The course will attach great importance to the applied approach. Students will acquire basic concepts in the construction and management of databases, analytical research and spatial statistics. There will also be some lessons on the use of GIS and its application in the presentation of the results of practical exercises.
Databases and additional material These will be provided to students during the course.
(reference books)
Camagni R. (1998) Principi di economia urbana e territoriale, Roma, Carocci Storper M., Scott A.J. (2009) Rethinking human capital, creativity and urban growth, Journal of Economic Geography 9, pp.147-167 van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., de Hollander A. (2003) Urban environmental quality and human well-being. Towards a conceptual framework and demarcation of concepts; a literature study, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, pp. 5–18 Robeyns I . (2005) The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey, Journal of Human Development 6(1), pp. 93-117 Smith T., Nelischer M., Perkins N. (1997) Quality of an urban community: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39, pp 229-241 Martínez, J.A., Pfeffer, K. and Baud, I. (2016) Factors shaping cartographic representations of inequalities : maps as products and processes, Habitat International : A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements, 51 (2016) pp. 90-102. ISTAT (2015) La nuova geografia dei sistemi locali, on-line: http://www.istat.it/it/archivio/172444 ISTAT (2014) Rapporto BES 2014, on-line: www.istat.it/it/archivio/126613 Roma città “fai da te”, Quaderni urbanistica 02/2013. Lelo K. (2006) Le «frontiere» dell’urbano, in M.F. Boemi, C.M. Travaglini (a cura di ) Roma dall'alto, pp. 69-74, Roma, Roma Tre. Lelo K. (2006) La forma della città, in M.F. Boemi, C.M. Travaglini (a cura di) Roma dall'alto, pp. 75-100, Roma, Roma Tre. Lelo K. (2011) Sistemi informativi geografici, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 265-274, Roma, Bonanno. Lelo K. (2011) Principi di basi di dati, in M. Munafò (a cura di), Rappresentare il territorio e l'ambiente, pp. 287-292, Avarello A., d’Errico R., Palazzo A.L., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Il quadrante Ostiense tra Otto e Novecento, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XII, 2004, 1-2; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Economia, società e politiche urbane del territorio ostiense (secc. XIX-XX), “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 1; D’Errico R., Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Ricerche sul patrimonio urbano tra Testaccio e Ostiense, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XX, 2012, 2; Neri M.L., Parisella A., Racheli A.M. (a cura di), Industria e città. I luoghi della produzione fra archeologia e recupero, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, VIII, 2000, 1-2; Racheli A., Ostiense Novissima: quale futuro per questa area urbana? “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 381-386; Travaglini C.M. (a cura di), Un patrimonio urbano tra memoria e progetti. Roma. L’area Ostiense-Testaccio, Roma, CROMA-Università Roma Tre, 2004. Travaglini C.M., Tra Testaccio e l’Ostiense i segni di Roma produttiva: un paesaggio urbano e un patrimonio culturale per la città, “Roma moderna e contemporanea”, XIV, 2006, 1-3, pp. 343-380.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 17/09/2018 to 15/12/2018 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory