Course program
The course introduces to the knowledge of cultural and religious identities through a scientific approach. It aims to analyze the cultural and religious phenomenon with the help of the theoretical and empirical tools that are typical of sociology. It has been noted that today more than ever the cultural-religious dimension is felt, in different social environments and under different reading lenses, as a reference to be considered in globalized societies marked by rapt social changes. We will review classical and contemporary scholars who have devoted ample space to the topic, and we will focus in particular on multiculturalism and religious pluralism. A space will be dedicated to the value dimension and to the diffusion of the perception of the loss of values especially in western societies, characterized by a pervasive relativism (values and morals) and by pluralism (cultural, ethical, religious).
The objectives of the course are:
- Identify interpretative keys for understanding the experience of cultural and religious factors in the social actors of the beginning of the third millennium; - Know the different schools of thought and sociological approaches regarding the themes of the laboratory; - Know and understand the phenomena of values of one's socio-religious-cultural environment reference.
(reference books)
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