melchiorre eleonora
The purpose of this laboratory is to provide an exhaustive overview of the normative and regulatory instruments of Social Services currently effective in Regione Lazio. The activity consists in workshop classes and it will expect an active student engagement. This teaching allows the attainment of 3 CFU and it requires 18 hours for completion. The laboratory's objective is to give the students the fundamentals for the comprehension of the current picture of welfare program in the Regione Lazio. Especially, it will be analyzed the deliberations issued by the regional authority in the past 10 years (laws, provisions of the Regional Commettee and Council, procedures), in order to outline the normative-statutory structure, individuate the financial resources appointed to the Social Services system, understand procedures and criteria that inspired the use of the functions of guiding and coordinating. By adopting a longitudinal perspective we will be able to understand the significant changes of the last few years. At the same time, will be give space to examine in depth the latest innovations and the reflections on the future. It will give specific attention to the analysis of the Regional Law 10 August 2016, n. 11 Integrated system of interventions and social services of the Lazio Region and to the participatory path implemented by the Region for the drafting of the last Social Plan 2017-2019, still under approval. In this regard, during the lessons will be invited a privileged witness of the Lazio Region that will be able to give an account of the latest innovations. During the laboratory activities, we will examine in detail the several factors that supported or impeded the institutionalization of a given planning system of social services in the context of Regione Lazio. It will be provided ideas for the reading of the regulatory framework and common governance structures, that will allow to understand the characterization sui generis of the case of Regione Lazio in a national context.
(reference books)
Testi di riferimento: - Melchiorre E. (2016). Governare la complessità. Attori e livelli istituzionali nella pianificazione zonale del Lazio, in “Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali”, n. 3, pp. 537-554. - Ciarini A. (2012). Le politiche sociali nelle regioni italiane. Costanti storiche e trasformazioni recenti. Bologna: Il Mulino. PP. 186-197 - Kazepov Y., e Barberis E. (a cura di) (2013). Il welfare frammentato. Le articolazioni regionali delle politiche sociali italiane. Roma: Carocci. Capitolo 2 - Colozzi I. (a cura di). (2012). Dal vecchio al nuovo welfare. Percorsi di una morfogenesi. Milano: FrancoAngeli. Capitolo 3
I testi potranno subire delle modifiche o integrazioni che verranno comunicate all’inizio del corso.