Power, right, politics, law: sociological introduction to civitas vs. polis question
Is power synonim of politics? Is law synonim of right? Are “civitas” amd “polis” more or less two names for the same thing? And even if in each of the previous three cases the correct answer would be "no", why can sometime things stay and appear differently? By means of contemporary sociological theories and keeping Weber's and classics thougt firmly in evedence, the above mentioned three questions will be discussed and a State's critique developed.
Lessons goal: focussing on the opposition between "civitas paradigm" and "polis paradigm".
(reference books)
L. Diotallevi, L’ordine imperfetto. Modernità, Stato, secolarizzazione, Rubbettino. Luhmann N., I diritti fondamentali come istituzione, Dedalo.