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20110129 Attività: Donne e Costituzione in Law LMG/01 FRONTONI ELISABETTA
The course aims to offer a reflection on women's rights in the light of the Italian Constitution. Starting from the recognition of the right of women to vote and stand for election, we will examine the debate that took place in the Constituent Assembly the debate that took place in the Constituent Assembly will take place and led to the elaboration, among other things, of the provisions of the Constitution that expressly deal with women: articles 3 , 29, 31, 37, 48 and 51 (to which, after the 2001 constitutional amendment, the seventh paragraph of Article 117 is added). In this perspective, the legislative implementation of these principles will be examined. In particular, it will address issues relating to the political representation, work, body, family, detention and gender language.
(reference books)
Marina Gigante (a cura di), I diritti delle donne nella Costituzione, Napoli, 2007.